駿利亨德森遠見基金-歐元非投資等級債券基金 I2 美元避險
歐元高收益債券基金的投資目標是提供整體高收益及潛在的資本成長。 該基金得投資至少 70%之淨資產於以歐元及英鎊計價,而信用評等相當於或低於 BB+ 級別之非投資等級公司債務證券。該基金得投資於由公司、政府、超國家機構及地方 或區域性機構所發行之固定及浮動利率及指數相關證券。該基金得將其淨資產的 20% 投資於應急可轉債。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Tim Winstone is Head of Investment Grade Credit and Portfolio Manager on the Corporate Credit Team at Janus Henderson Investors. He joined Henderson as a portfolio manager in 2015 and began leading the investment grade platform in 2024. Prior to Henderson, he was an executive director, senior fixed income portfolio manager and part of the global credit team at UBS Global Asset Management. He began his career as a portfolio assistant at Thesis Asset Management and has worked in global credit since 2004. Tim earned a BSc degree (Hons) in mathematics from the University of Bristol. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and the Investment Management Certificate and passed the Regulation and Compliance unit of the CISI Diploma. He has 21 years of financial industry experience.
Tom Ross is Head of High Yield at Janus Henderson Investors, a role he has held since 2022. In this role, Tom is responsible for leading investment strategy and portfolio management of the firm’s high yield franchise. He has served as a portfolio manager on the Corporate Credit Team since 2006. Prior to portfolio management, he specialised in credit trading on Henderson's centralised dealing desk. He joined Henderson in 2002. Tom graduated with a BSc degree (Hons) in biology from Nottingham University. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.