透過主要投資於新興市場本地貨幣債務證券,並於適當時運用金融衍生工具,取得高於新興市場國家政府債券市場的回報。資產至少67%直接或透過運用金融衍生工具投資於新興市場政府或其機構或在新興市場國家註冊成立或在新興市場國家從事其大部分經濟活動之公司發行或擔保之債務證券。子基金將其資產至少10%投資於可持續金融披露規例下界定的有助於實現環境或社會目標的可持續投資。子基金可將其資產淨值超過10%及最多20%投資於由低於投資級別的單一主權發行人(包括其政府、公共或地區當局)所發行及/或擔保的債務證券。子基金可透過債券通將其資產不超過15%投資於在中國發行的境內債務證券。子基金可將淨資產最多20%投資於輔助流動資產及將資產最多20%投資於信貸機構存款、金融市場票據及貨幣市場基金,以管理現金認購及贖回以及經常性及特殊付款。 如就應對極端不利市況而言屬合理,子基金可暫時將其淨資產最多100%投資於輔助流動資產作防守目的。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Didier Lambert, managing director, is a member of the Global Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities (GFICC) group. He is the lead portfolio manager for local market investments (rates and foreign exchange) within the Emerging Markets Debt team. Prior to joining the firm in 2009, Didier was at Fortis Investments for ten years, initially serving as a fixed income analyst contributing to security selection and later as a senior portfolio manager and deputy chief investment officer within Emerging Markets Fixed Income. During his time at Fortis, Didier specialized in local market investments, overseeing portfolio exposures and monitoring risk across the funds. Previously, Didier held quantitative roles at Overlay Asset Management (France) and ABF Capital Management (France). Didier holds a master's degree in econometrics from the University of Paris I, Pantheon Sorbonne for which he spent a year at the University of Warwick; a postgraduate degree in finance from the University of Paris I, Pantheon Sorbonne; and a postmaster degree in statistics and financial modeling from the Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Activite Economique (ENSAE). He is also a CFA charterholder.
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