老外看台灣/德國正妹曝辛苦歷程 「台灣改變了我的人生觀」
(Photo courtesy of Facebook/陳雪兒)
【看CP學英文】陳雪兒 (Michelle Casale) 幾年前從德國搬到台灣,意外地一系之間爆紅。今日有著「紅豆餅妹」封號的她,已有超過5萬名粉絲追蹤。
Michelle Casale moved from Germany to Taiwan a couple of years ago and immediately became an Internet celebrity. She is also known as “Red Bean Cake Sister” (紅豆餅妹) and has more than 50k followers on social media.
陳雪兒在與The China Post獨家專訪中表示,家境不好的她,從未因此放棄,反而更加努力的賺微薄的收入幫助支撐家庭。10歲時,她被雇用為社區送報,開啟了她豐富的工作經驗。
In an exclusive interview with The China Post, Michelle revealed that although she had a rough childhood, it didn’t stop her from working hard to earn what little she had. At the age of 10, she worked as a newspaper delivery girl for her neighborhood and has worked many jobs since then.
In 2010, sixteen-year-old Michelle traveled abroad for the first time to Taiwan. It was her first time “away from home” and she realized “that [she] needed to change [her] life.”
She has never really liked her life in Germany and dreamt of a new start. Her four-week trip to Taiwan “changed [her] perspective on life” and she knew she was going to move here after she graduated.
To move to Taiwan, Michelle worked as much as she could for the two years before her graduation.
She was an employee at an Italian dessert shop during the day and a waitress at a French restaurant in the evening. She only saved up as much as she could.
高中畢業後,陳雪兒成功的存到錢,足夠買機票飛往台灣。她告訴The China Post, 來台灣是她這一生做過最棒的選擇。
After accumulating enough money for her flight to Taiwan and graduating high school, Michelle flew back to Taiwan. She calls her move to Taiwan the “best decision of [her] life.”
When she first moved here, she lived with a homestay family. Soon after, she met Mr. Huang, who gave her the opportunity of working as an employee at a red bean cake (紅豆餅) stand at Banqiao (板橋). She says accepting the job was “the best choice [she’s] ever made.”
Many people ask her why she didn’t choose to teach English when she first came. Even though teaching gives a higher salary compared to working at the red bean cake stall, Michelle didn’t want to waste her time when she could be learning about Taiwan.
“Why should I be an English teacher?” Michelle asks, “I can speak English and German, it doesn’t benefit… me. And I wanted to understand the Taiwanese people… I want to be like a Taiwanese.”
Michelle talked about how many foreigners come to Taiwan temporarily, but she’s here to stay because she has finally “found a home.”
After working as an employee at the red bean cake store for about a month, her boss gave her the opportunity for a promotion to becoming the store manager. This opportunity gave her a chance to learn Chinese with her coworkers and customers.
In less than a year, Michelle could understand most things in Chinese and could communicate with Taiwanese people.
Not only did Michelle learn the language, but she also met many people and made a lot of friends. She thinks “Taiwanese people are friendlier” compared to Germans and that it’s easier to make friends here in Taiwan.
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