「跑起來,別用走的」!盤點黃仁勳20句名言 網很有感



1. 跑起來,不要用走的,不管是為了捕食而奔跑,還是為了逃離被當作獵物而奔跑。




1. Smart people focus on the right things. 聰明的人會專注在正確的事情。

2. Never stop asking questions and seeking answers. Curiosity fuels progress. 永遠不要停止問問題以及找答案。好奇心是推動進步的關鍵。

3. The most powerful technologies are the ones that empower others. 最強大的技術是賦予他人力量。

4. Success is a work in progress. It's not about achieving a goal; it's about constantly improving and pushing boundaries. 成功是正在進行的過程。成功並不是實現目標,而是不斷改進以及突破界線。

5. Failure is not the end, it's an opportunity to learn and grow. 失敗並不是結束,失敗是學習和成長的機會。

6. Great ideas can come from anyone, anywhere. It's about creating an environment where those ideas can flourish.任何人都可能有偉大的想法。要能創造一個讓這些想法能夠蓬勃發展的環境。

7. Software is eating the world, but AI is going to eat software. 軟體占領我們的生活,但AI正準備取代這一切。

8. Innovation is not about inventing something new, it's about improving what already exists. 創新並不是發明新東西,創新是改進現有的東西。

9. Leadership is about setting the stage for others to shine. 領導力是能為他人創造發光的舞台。

10. I'm the product of my parents' dreams and aspirations. 我是父母夢想與抱負的產物。

11. Don't be afraid to think different and challenge the status quo. 不要害怕以不同的方式思考,勇敢挑戰現狀。

12. We have a responsibility to use technology to make the world a better place. 我們有責任利用科技讓世界變得更美好。

13. Embrace the unknown and embrace change. That's where true breakthroughs happen. 擁抱未知、擁抱變化。這才是真正突破發生的地方。

14. True innovation requires taking risks and being willing to fail. 真正的創新要承擔風險並且願意失敗。

15. Open collaboration and partnership are the keys to driving progress and innovation. 開放合作和夥伴關係,是推動進步和創新的關鍵。

16. I appreciate people who are authentic. They are just who they are. 我欣賞真誠的人。

17. The world needs more dreamers and doers, not just talkers. 這世界需要更多夢想家和實踐者,而不是只會出張嘴的人。

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