太魯閣絕美「山月吊橋」飽覽立霧溪峽谷 預計下半年開放
The Mountain-Moon Bridge, crossing the Liwu River at the Taroko National Park, is set to open to the public in the second half of the year, according to the Construction and Planning Agency.
The suspension bridge will connect the surrounding attractions, such as Buluowan, Badagang and Swallow Grotto Trail, to other tourist highlights at Taroko National Park.
After two years and nine months of construction, the 196-meter long bridge was reportedly completed in May 2019.
Under the Japanese rule era, the old Mountain-Moon bridge used to be the longest iron-wired bridge at Taroko gorge. However, it was demolished in 1940-41.
The park headquarters currently undergoing construction to improve traffic flow and accessible facilities.
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