印尼媽媽拍片示範美食製作 曝快速簡單沙嗲雞肉串作法
【看CP學英文】新住民全球新聞網來自印尼棉蘭的台灣媳婦陳美美(水水印尼媽媽) 嫁來台灣20年,目前在人力仲介公司擔任翻譯的工作,來到台灣後跟著婆婆學做菜,現在的手藝精湛,可以自己做出一桌道地的台式料理,在YouTube頻道「水水印尼媽媽Emak Medan di Taiwan」除了有台灣料理以外,水水印尼媽媽還用中文、印尼語雙語講解,教觀眾怎麼做印尼料理。
Hailing from Medan, Indonesia, Chen Meimei (陳美美), a.k.a. “Shuishui Indonesian mother” (水水印尼媽媽), has been living in Taiwan for 20 years.
She is currently working as an interpreter at a brokerage agency. After she came to Taiwan, she learned how to cook from her mother-in-law.
With superb cooking skills, she can prepare an entire meal filled with authentic Taiwanese dishes all by herself.
In addition to Taiwanese dishes, Shuishui also provides bilingual instructions in Chinese and Indonesian on her YouTube channel “Shuishui Indonesia Mom Emak Medan di Taiwan” to teach you how to prepare Indonesian cuisine.
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Chen has a talent for languages. She told the editor of “Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network” that she learned Chinese by watching Taiwanese dramas.
She also taught herself how to make and edit YouTube videos. Despite having two children, with the eldest having already graduated from high school, she has successfully maintained her beauty.
In this episode of “New Immigrants in Taiwan,” Chen teaches the audience a quick and straightforward way to make Indonesian satay chicken skewers.
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一般外面賣的印尼沙嗲雞肉串通常使用嘎多嘎多(Bumbu pecal)熱沙拉醬去製作,水水印尼媽媽在影片中公開特別的獨門配方,加了花生醬下去一起調味,完成後味道完全不輸給外面賣的。簡單的印尼沙嗲雞肉串步驟讓水水印尼媽媽推薦給各位觀眾,學起來後會是一道大人、小孩都會喜歡的料理。
Most Indonesian satay chicken skewers are usually made with Bumbu pecal hot salad dressing. However, Chen revealed a special and unique recipe in her video, adding peanut butter, seasoning them together.
Upon its completion, the taste is not inferior to those sold in restaurants. Chen recommends the simple steps of making Indonesian satay chicken skewers to her viewers, turning it into a popular dish, well-loved by both adults and children.
更多相關影片請追蹤「水水印尼媽媽Emak Medan di Taiwan」
For more related videos, please follow “Shui Shui Indonesia Mother Emak Medan di Taiwan.”
本文獲【新住民全球新聞網 】授權轉載/徐如奕/Raymond Rodriguez
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