
<p>Uncle Roger表示剛剛才和赫莎享用晚餐,呼籲網友別再欺負赫莎|“I just had dinner with this lady. Don’t post anything mean on Instagram, otherwise, Uncle Roger will come for you,” Uncle Roger said in the video. (Screenshot from the Twitter video)</p>

Uncle Roger表示剛剛才和赫莎享用晚餐,呼籲網友別再欺負赫莎|“I just had dinner with this lady. Don’t post anything mean on Instagram, otherwise, Uncle Roger will come for you,” Uncle Roger said in the video. (Screenshot from the Twitter video)

【看CP學英文】馬來西亞網紅Uncle Roger週六在推特PO出與BBC美食頻道主持人赫莎(Hersha Patel)見面,談論關於去年BBC Food錄製如何做「蛋炒飯」的爭議影片。

Malaysian influencer “Uncle Roger” said on Saturday that he met with BBC Food host Hersha Patel to talk about her controversial video on how to make “egg fried rice” that was released by BBC Food last year.

Uncle Roger於7月8日YouTube頻道上傳一則影片近日爆紅,影片中他吐槽廚師赫莎製作蛋炒飯的方式,像是用濾網幫米瀝水、用英式茶杯量米、沒有火的爐子炒飯等等,違反亞洲人對於蛋炒飯製作方式的理解,引起網友熱議。

Uncle Roger’s YouTube video about the proper way to make egg fried rice has gone viral since its release on July 8.

Why? Patel used an English teacup to measure the rice; she drained rice with a strainer; and, used a cooktop to fry the rice. Her cooking method provoked a backlash from people across Asia.



In response to the video, many commented, “ladies and gentlemen, this is NOT how to cook rice,” while others said that every Asian knows that you should use cold, leftover cooked rice to make fried rice.”

One said, “BBC woman: “This is an episode of how we can trigger Asians.”

隨後,Uncle Roger週六轉推赫莎貼文,附上兩人談話影片,文內寫道,「最新進展:Ungle Roger和製作蛋炒飯的女士@hershapatel1合作。」

Then on Saturday, Uncle Roger retweeted a post from Patel with a video of the two talking, which read, “Big development: Uncle Roger is now making a collab with egg fried rice lady @hershapatel1.”


Patel said in her tweet: “To all my new friends/haters @MrNigelNg and I have just had a lovely afternoon discussing my ‘crimes’ against rice… watch this space.. collab coming soon, give me a follow! #riceislife #uncleroger”.

影片中,Uncle Roger表示剛剛才和赫莎享用晚餐,呼籲網友別再欺負赫莎,「請不要在Instagram上發布任何冒犯的內容。否則,羅傑叔叔會去找你。」

“I just had dinner with this lady. Don’t post anything mean on Instagram, otherwise, Uncle Roger will come for you,” Uncle Roger said in the video.


“I’ve been trolled. I was doing a job for BBC presenting the recipe, I know how to cook rice,” Patel explained.

最後,Uncle Roger預告下一支影片內容赫莎將會示範炒飯的「正確」作法,要大家敬請期待。

Uncle Roger ended by announcing the next video in which Patel will demonstrate the right way to make fried rice.

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