晉達環球策略基金 - 環球入息導向基金 A 收益-2股份(月配)
績效 / 1月0.47%
- 1.現金36.72%
- 2.股票6.05%
- 3.債券45.57%
- 4.其他11.66%
- 1.美國2.35%
- 2.英國1.57%
- 3.歐元區1.30%
- 4.歐洲不包含歐元區1.00%
- 5.新興亞洲0.50%
- 1.防守性消費1.44%
- 2.健康護理1.34%
- 3.金融服務1.15%
- 4.科技1.00%
- 5.工業0.76%
- 6.基本物料0.76%
- 7.公用0.57%
- 8.周期性消費0.33%
- 9.房地產0.22%
- 10.電訊服務0.03%
- 1.10 Year Treasury Note Future Mar 2511.49%
- 2.10 Year Government of Canada Bond Future Mar 2510.24%
- 3.10 Year Australian Treasury Bond Future Mar 2510.20%
- 4.United States Treasury Bonds 4%4.40%
- 5.United States Treasury Notes 4.875%4.02%
- 6.Ninety One GSF Glbl Crdt Inc S Inc2 USD4.01%
- 7.Us Ultra Bondcbt 03253.81%
- 8.United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 4.5%3.13%
- 9.United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 4.125%3.11%
- 10.United States Treasury Bonds 5%2.84%
- 1.現金36.72%
- 2.股票6.05%
- 3.債券45.57%
- 4.其他11.66%
- 1.防守性消費1.44%
- 2.健康護理1.34%
- 3.金融服務1.15%
- 4.科技1.00%
- 5.工業0.76%
- 6.基本物料0.76%
- 7.公用0.57%
- 8.周期性消費0.33%
- 9.房地產0.22%
- 10.電訊服務0.03%
- 1.美國2.35%
- 2.英國1.57%
- 3.歐元區1.30%
- 4.歐洲不包含歐元區1.00%
- 5.新興亞洲0.50%
- 1.10 Year Treasury Note Future Mar 2511.49%
- 2.10 Year Government of Canada Bond Future Mar 2510.24%
- 3.10 Year Australian Treasury Bond Future Mar 2510.20%
- 4.United States Treasury Bonds 4%4.40%
- 5.United States Treasury Notes 4.875%4.02%
- 6.Ninety One GSF Glbl Crdt Inc S Inc2 USD4.01%
- 7.Us Ultra Bondcbt 03253.81%
- 8.United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 4.5%3.13%
- 9.United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 4.125%3.11%
- 10.United States Treasury Bonds 5%2.84%