連「美國隊長」都來取景! 最夯廢墟外拍景點就在「北部」

<p>阿根納造船廠廢墟。|Agenna shipyard relics (Courtesy of Instagram/@yu_wei_chih)</p>

阿根納造船廠廢墟。|Agenna shipyard relics (Courtesy of Instagram/@yu_wei_chih)


If you’re planning a trip to Zhengbin Fishing Port in Keelung, don’t miss the ruins of the Agenna shipyard right next to it.

高聳的水泥牆、鋼筋外露的水泥柱,斷垣殘壁散發出一股神秘的氣息,吸引許多民眾前往取景拍照,就連「美國隊長」克里斯艾文(Chris Evans)都曾來此拍廣告,榮登近年來最夯的外拍景點之一。

The towering concrete walls, reinforcing steel corrosions and crumbling walls give a mysterious atmosphere that attracts many people to take photos. Even Hollywood star Chris Evans, who plays Captain America, has visited the area to shoot a commercial, making it one of Keelung’s most popular tourist destinations in recent years.

廢棄造船廠榮登近年來最夯的外拍景點之一。|The deserted shipyard becomes one of Keelung’s most popular tourist destinations in recent years. (Courtesy of Instagram/@lienjie1017)
廢棄造船廠榮登近年來最夯的外拍景點之一。|The deserted shipyard becomes one of Keelung’s most popular tourist destinations in recent years. (Courtesy of Instagram/@lienjie1017)



Built during the Japanese colonial era, the Agenna shipyard was the terminus of many railroad lines that collected gold and other minerals from Jinguashih and transported them to Japan.

廢棄造船廠榮登近年來最夯的外拍景點之一。|The deserted shipyard has become one of Keelung’s most popular tourist destinations in recent years. (Courtesy of Instagram/@yilin_10101010)
廢棄造船廠榮登近年來最夯的外拍景點之一。|The deserted shipyard has become one of Keelung’s most popular tourist destinations in recent years. (Courtesy of Instagram/@yilin_10101010)


At the end of the Japanese era, the shipyard was leased to an American yacht-making company, Argenna Shipbuilding. Although the shipyard is now abandoned, the mysterious industrial atmosphere continues to attract photographers.

廢棄造船廠榮登近年來最夯的外拍景點之一。|The deserted shipyard has become one of Keelung’s most popular tourist destinations in recent years.(Courtesy of Instagram/@yu_wei_chih)
廢棄造船廠榮登近年來最夯的外拍景點之一。|The deserted shipyard has become one of Keelung’s most popular tourist destinations in recent years.(Courtesy of Instagram/@yu_wei_chih)
廢棄造船廠榮登近年來最夯的外拍景點之一。|The deserted shipyard has become one of Keelung’s most popular tourist destinations in recent years.(Courtesy of Instagram/@98naaai.h)
廢棄造船廠榮登近年來最夯的外拍景點之一。|The deserted shipyard has become one of Keelung’s most popular tourist destinations in recent years.(Courtesy of Instagram/@98naaai.h)

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