夢想製造場域 體驗美好理想家

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擬家造夢場 Dream Home


擬家造夢場 Dream Home|儷采家居
擬家造夢場 Dream Home|儷采家居 (SEBASTIEN VERONESE@)

The project involves a renovation for a three-story standalone building. During the initial stage of the renovation, the external façade of the building was reinforced and refurbished, and coated with a particularly appealing white stone paint. The second consideration was of its main commercial use: multi-faceted, cross-brand furniture, systems cabinetry, decorative lighting, materials, hardware, soft furnishings, landscaping and other combinations were leveraged to create its modern spatial design. A full range of professional end-to-end consulting services was provided, including subsequent construction and renovation as well as after-sales product warranty. Therefore, in accordance with the attributes of the individual floors and the proximity of the spaces, the spatial planning is designed for product display by zones and the dedicated working areas, consultation areas and conference rooms. Special attention was placed on the display of products that evoke customers’ resonance and imagination. The introduction of home-like warmth, texture and ritualistic simulated settings allows visitors to immerse themselves in a deep desire for this exclusive space through layers of sensory stimulation.

擬家造夢場 Dream Home|儷采家居
擬家造夢場 Dream Home|儷采家居 (SEBASTIEN VERONESE@)


擬家造夢場 Dream Home|儷采家居
擬家造夢場 Dream Home|儷采家居 (SEBASTIEN VERONESE@)
擬家造夢場 Dream Home|儷采家居
擬家造夢場 Dream Home|儷采家居 (SEBASTIEN VERONESE@)

In line with the long and deep first-floor space, a spacious and bright sofa area is designed in the front-end to welcome guests and convey the store's unique aesthetic views and flexible layout, with a staff office at the rear-end of the space.
The triangular-shaped terrace garden at the front of the second floor is the main attraction of the floor, and the conference room area adjacent to the garden, which is shaped like a daylight greenhouse, is a highlight. The third floor, with its split-level features, is utilized as a demonstration of individual private bedroom areas, combining the precise proportional configuration of the space with the appropriate hardware, software and materials to create a 100% customized dreamlike experience for visitors!

擬家造夢場 Dream Home|儷采家居
擬家造夢場 Dream Home|儷采家居 (SEBASTIEN VERONESE@)
擬家造夢場 Dream Home|儷采家居
擬家造夢場 Dream Home|儷采家居 (SEBASTIEN VERONESE@)
擬家造夢場 Dream Home|儷采家居
擬家造夢場 Dream Home|儷采家居 (SEBASTIEN VERONESE@)
擬家造夢場 Dream Home|儷采家居
擬家造夢場 Dream Home|儷采家居 (SEBASTIEN VERONESE@)