安盛環球基金-歐洲小型企業股票基金A CAP歐元
本子基金目標在於達成長期資本成長。 其典型投資人將透過積極管理的投資組合,其成份包括上市股票、股票相關證券,以及衍生性金融商品,尋求以歐元評估之長期資本成長。 投資管理公司將投資位於歐洲地區的中小企業,藉以達成子基金之投資目標。 具法國應稅居民身分之投資人應注意,本子基金符合法國 PEA 帳戶資格,意即本子基金固定至少投資75%於符合 PEA 資格之證券或權益(為便於說明,指本公開說明書所載日期,子基金應至少投資75%於登記營業處設於列支敦斯登以外其他歐洲經濟區內之公司所發行的股票或權益)。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Caroline Moleux, CFA, is a Portfolio Manager/Analyst with AXA IM. Ms. Moleux joined AXA IM in 2005 as a Portfolio Manage/Analyst on the convertible and global entrepreneur strategy. She now serves as Portfolio Manager Analyst within the small cap team and is in charge of the consumer sector. Prior to joining AXA IM, Ms. Moleux worked for three years at ADI where she was an analyst on the convertible arbitrage strategy. Ms. Moleux holds a CFA and an MBA in corporate finance and financial engineering from the University Paris Dauphine.
Françoise is responsible for the fund management of Eurozone and SRI equity portfolios. Prior to joining Aviva Investors in 2017, Françoise worked for ABN AMRO Investment Solutions firstly as analyst and then as Equity Portfolio Manager and SRI development coordinator. Before this, Françoise was financial analyst in several companies, as Société Générale, ING Financial Markets or Aurel-Leven from 1997 to 2007. Françoise holds a Masters in Finance and cash management from ESC Paris. She is a member of the SFAF (French Society of Financial Analysts).