本子基金係以優於 JP Morgan Asia Credit Diversified Investment Grade Index(以下稱「績效指標」)之報酬為目 標。本子基金係採主動式管理。績效指標因能代表子基金 的投資領域而被選用,因此為合適的績效比較指標。本子 基金對於債券大部分之曝險不一定來自於績效指標或源自 於績效指標之權重。投資經理人得運用其裁量權投資於績 效指標未包含之債券,以利用特定之投資機會獲利。因 此,可預見子基金的表現將適度偏離績效指標。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Wai Mei Leong is a Portfolio Manager in the Fixed Income team and Lead Portfolio Manager for Asian hard currency fixed income portfolios, including the Asian Bond, Asian Investment Grade Bond and High Yield Bond strategies. Wai Mei joined Eastspring Investments in September 2007. Prior to joining Eastspring Investments, Wai Mei has worked in various capacities in relation to credit including holding positions as Senior Analyst at the Bank of Nova Scotia Asia Ltd, Commerce International Merchant Bankers (CIMB), Malaysia and ABN AMRO Bank, Singapore. Wai Mei has 22 years of investment experience. Wai Mei holds a Postgraduate Diploma (Finance) from Melbourne University and Bachelor of Business (Accounting) from RMIT, Australia. She is a Certified Public Accountant.
沒有符合 ”“ 的搜尋結果。