晉達環球策略基金 - 新興市場公司債券基金 IX 收益-2 股份
該子基金旨在長線提供收益及及同時提供獲取資本增長(即為您的投資價值帶來增長)的機會。 該子基金採取主動管理,主要投資於由新興市場公司借貸人發行的債務證券(例如債券)及可提供參與該等債務證券的衍生工具(其價值與債務證券價格掛鈎的金融合約)組成的多元投資組合。該等證券可能屬投資評級及非投資評級,並可為任何存續期。 該子基金亦可投資於新興市場主權借貸人發行的債務證券及可提供參與該等債務證券的衍生工具。 該子基金亦可將其資產不多於30%投資於前緣市場借貸人發行的債務證券及可提供參與該等債務證券的衍生工具。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Alan is a portfolio manager in the Fixed Income team at Ninety One with responsibility for Emerging Markets Investment Grade Corporate Debt and All China Bond. Prior to joining the firm, Alan worked at BlueBay Asset Management where he was a portfolio manager specialising in emerging markets. From 2008 to 2011 Alan worked at Alchemy Special Situations as an executive responsible for European distressed debt and special situations investing. Prior to Alchemy, Alan was a vice president in fixed income at Citigroup Salomon Smith Barney. Alan started his career at Deloitte in Australia. Alan graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce, first class honours (Accounting and Finance) degree from the University of Western Australia and completed a Masters in Business Administration at INSEAD, France. He is also a qualified Chartered Accountant (Australia and New Zealand).
何薇德是天達資產管理環球新興市場債券團隊的策略師及投資組合經理,負責新興市場公司債券策略。何薇德於2011 年加入天達資產管理,此前任職於野村國際(Nomura International )。她曾於標準銀行(Standard Bank)及野村的新興市場交易部及資本市場團隊工作逾三年,並為Rand Merchant Bank 及Whitebeam Capital Management營運對沖及內部交易策略達兩年。此前,她於亨德森全球投资工作八年,負責管理新興市場債券投資組合。何薇德持有里茲大學(Leeds University)的科學(生物化學的分子生物)學士學位。同時,她獲取特許財務分析師資格.