本子基金以資本的長期成長為投資目標。 本子基金主要投資於環太平洋公司。 本子基金至少會投資總資產的三分之二於環太平洋公司之股權證券。這些公司在任何亞洲在任何摩根士丹利資本國際(MSCI)太平洋(日本除外)自由指數所稱之國家中註冊或從事主要營業活動。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Francois Theret:新興歐洲股票投資組合經理人,1997 年開始投資生涯,於 2005 年加入 Natixis Asset Management,並自 2007 年開始管理 Natixis 新興歐洲基金,畢業於巴黎高等商業學校(Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris)。
Responsibilities: Senior Portfolio Manager Ms. Toh covers Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam. Experience: Prior to joining Absolute Asia AM, Ms. Toh handled equity sales for Indosuez WI Carr, specializing in Southeast Asian markets. Her previous experience included serving as an Operations Analyst with Chase Manhattan Bank, focusing on FX and derivatives, and as a Senior Officer in Global Treasury with OCBC Bank, where she oversaw the reporting and systems requirement of the Treasury Department and its overseas branches. Early in her career, she had assignments with Nomura Securities and J.M. Sassoon. Education/Credentials: Ms. Toh earned a Bachelor of Business (Financial Analysis) with Second Class Honours from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. She is also a Chartered Financial Analyst charterholder.