該基金尋求提供高水平經常性收益。該基金將投資其資產淨值至少 70%於以下類別由美國發行人發行並在受監管市場上市或買賣的美元計值高息債務證券及工具(直 接或間接透過主要投資於該等證券的其他集體投資計劃進行投資,惟須受本文件所載限制所規限):(i) 公司債務證券及工具;(ii) 結構性 票據(可能以固定收益證券為基礎);及 (iii) 結構為債務證券的按揭抵押證券及資產抵押證券;惟該基金至少三分之二的資產淨值投資 於不可換股的債務證券。
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中型 | |||
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
– Western Asset Management Company, LLC – Portfolio Manager, 2019- – Sound Point Capital Management, L.P. – Portfolio Manager, Senior Credit Analyst, 2013-2019 – Doral Leveraged Asset Management – Credit Analyst, 2009-2013 – Rothschild Inc. – Analyst, 2008-2009 – Babson College, Bachelor of Science in Business Management, Finance concentration, magna cum laude
-Western Asset Management Company, LLC - Head of US High Yield, 2002-Present -Seix Investment Advisors - Head High Yield Trader, 1998-2002 -University of Massachusetts, Amherst, B.A. Economics
Michael Buchanan is Western Asset's deputy chief investment officer and has been in the fixed-income industry since 1990. As Deputy CIO, Michael has direct oversight of Western Asset's Global Credit Team, which covers US and non-US investment-grade, high-yield and bank loan sectors. He also leads the Global Credit Committee, which ultimately determines overall firmwide credit themes. Prior to joining Western Asset in 2005, Michael served as Managing Director and Head of US Credit Products at Credit Suisse Asset Management and as Executive Vice President and Portfolio Manager at Janus Capital Management. He also worked at BlackRock Financial Management as Managing Director and Portfolio Manager and at Conseco Capital Management as Vice President and Portfolio Manager. Michael graduated with honors from Brown University. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics, and is a CFA charterholder