駿利亨德森遠見基金-亞洲股息收益基金 A2 美元
亞洲股票收益基⾦旨在於任何五年期間2提供⾼於 MSCI 所有國家(AC)亞太地區(⽇本除外)⾼息股指數所 締造收益的收益及⻑期資本增⻑潛⼒。 基⾦將其⾄少三分之⼆的資產淨值投資於投資經理認為可以提供較平均為⾼的股息或能反映此等前景的亞太 地區(⽇本除外)公司(即在亞太地區註冊或從該地區獲取其收益及/或利潤的⼀⼤部分的公司)的股票或股 本相關⼯具。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Sat Duhra is a Portfolio Manager on Janus Henderson Investors’ Asia ex Japan Equities Team, where he serves as a Co-Portfolio Manager of the Asian Dividend Income strategy. Prior to joining Henderson in 2011, he worked as an equities analyst at Nomura and Credit Suisse. Sat holds a BSc degree in economics from University College, London. He is an associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (CA) and has 19 years of financial industry experience.