安聯全球永續發展基金-A配息類股 (歐元)
根據可持續及責任投資策略(SRI策略)投資於環球已發展國家股票市場,以達致長期資本增值。 投資經理可進行外匯重置,因此須就經合組織成員國貨幣承擔額外外幣風險,即使本附屬基金並未包括任何以此等貨幣計價的資產。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Alex is a Senior Fund Manager with Allianz Global Investors, which he joined in 2022. He is part of the Thematic Equity team with a focus on SDG-aligned investing and sustainability. As portfolio manager he is managing the team’s multi-SDG strategy, Allianz Positive Change. Prior to joining Allianz Global Investors, Alex was a fund manager with Sarasin & Partners in London where he managed a selection of thematically and sustainability-focused global equity funds. He also worked as an equity analyst at IFM Investors in Sydney for three years, and Ratio Asset Management in London for five years. He holds a BA (Hons) in International Business Administration from Bournemouth University, and the ACCA Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business.