本基金的投資目標為達致長線資本增值。本基金的可持續發展目標是投資於有望對可持續發展有貢獻以及可從可持續 發展受惠的公司,來實現正面的社會和環境可持續成果。在此過程中,從歐盟《可持續金融披露條例》的角度,本基金尋求主要投資 (至少 90%的資產淨值)於可持續投資,即投資於為環境或社會目標作出貢獻的經濟活動,前提是投資不對任何環境或社會目標造 成重大損害,以及被投資公司遵循良好的管治慣例。所有被投資公司均為促進人類發展作出貢獻,亦為正面的環境成果作出貢獻。本 基金亦主要(至少其資產淨值的 70%)投資於一項由在全球任何受規管市場上市、買賣或交易的大型企業的股票證券或股票相關證 券組成的多元化組合。就本政策而言,目前大型企業的定義乃指投資時可投資市值(自由流通股權)最少達 50 億美元者。投資經理 可在其認為適當的時候檢討此項定義。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
David Gait is Head of the Stewart Investors Investment Team and a Portfolio Manager. He sits on the Stewart Investors Board. David joined the team as a graduate in 1997. He is Lead Manager of the Asia Pacific Leaders Sustainability and Asia Pacific Sustainability strategies, as well as Pacific Assets Trust. David holds an MA with honours in Economics from Cambridge University, and holds a Master of Science in Investment Analysis from Stirling University.
Sashi Reddy is a Portfolio Manager with the Sustainable Funds Group at Stewart Investors. He joined the team in August 2007. Sashi is lead manager of the Worldwide Leaders Sustainability strategy and the Indian Subcontinent Sustainability strategy. Previously, he worked at Irevna Research, an Indian equities research house from 2005 to 2007. Sashi has an engineering degree from the National Institute of Technology, Trichy and an MBA from the Schulich School of Business, York University in Toronto.