本子基金藉由主要投資(至少三分之二)於全球企業發行的股票和/或其他可轉讓有價證券(可轉讓有價證券認購權證及可轉換債券,前者最高可達子基金淨資產之 10%)所組成的多元化投資組合以尋求長期資本增值。本子基金尋求投資於具較高環境足跡且正在轉型降低環境足跡之公司。其中,特別是但不限於在以下產業開展業務活動範圍包括:探勘、發電、製造、運輸及消費。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Alexis Deladerrière, CFA,is the Head of International Developed Markets Equity within the Fundamental U.S. Equity team including the International Equity ESG and International Equity Income strategies. He joined Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. in July 2002 as a research analyst. Mr. Deladerrière graduated from the École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (ESCP-EAP) in 2002 with a Masters degree in Finance, Economics and General Management. As part of his studies he worked at Crédit Lyonnais and A.T. Kearney in Paris.
Kevin Martens is a portfolio manager on the Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. US Equity ESG Strategy, as well as a portfolio manager on the US Equity Team where he has broad research responsibilities for the Industrials sector across the US Large- and Mid-Cap Equity strategies. Before joining the Investment Adviser in 2015, Mr. Martens spent four years at ClearBridge Investments.