荷寶資本成長基金-荷寶亞太優越股票 D歐元
本基金通過投資於亞洲金及澳紐公司證券 (不包括日本和印度屬島),及自該地區帶來收入的公司,達致以歐元計算的長期資本增值和地區收入。於2001年11月29日起RG Asia-Pacific Equity改名為此基金。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Joshua has an investment career which spans over 18 years, including working with BlackRock in Hong Kong since 2007. Previously, he worked as Investment Director for Prudential Asset Management in Hong Kong and Bankers Trust in Sydney from 2001 to 2007.