施羅德環球基金系列 - 美國小型公司影響力(美元)A-累積
本基金旨在通過投資於有助推進UN SDGs且被投資經理視為 可持續投資項目的美國小型公司的股本和股本相關證券,在 三年至五年期內扣除費用後提供超過Russell 2000 Lagged (Net TR) index的資本增值。本基金被積極管理及將其最少75%的資產投資於可持續投 資,即投資經理預期對推進與一個或多個與UN SDGs有聯繫 的環境或社會目標有貢獻,且於長遠期間為股東帶來回報的 投資。投資經理將從合資格公司領域中選擇被認為符合投資 經理影響標準的公司。影響標準包括評估公司對UN SDGs的 貢獻,意味著在對公司進行評估時,將考慮公司為推進UN SDGs而對社會所產生的直接或間接正面影響之程度,以及有 關行動可能對公司價值所造成的影響。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Joanna Wald, Portfolio Manager and Head of Research, US Small and Mid Cap Equities of Schroders, has been involved with research and portfolio management at Schroders since 2013. She has managed the MainStay VP Schroders Mid Cap Opportunities Portfolio since 2024. Ms. Wald joined Schroders as an Equity Analyst in 2013. Prior to joining Schroders, Ms. Wald was an Equity Analyst at Ballast Capital Management from 2010 to 2013, and prior to this, Ms. Wald was an Equity Analyst for Ramius Capital Group.
Robert Kaynor, CFA, Portfolio Manager and Head of US Small and Mid Cap Equities of Schroders, has been involved with research and portfolio management at Schroders since 2013. He has managed the MainStay VP Schroders Mid Cap Opportunities Portfolio since 2024. Mr. Kaynor covers a variety of industries in the consumer, producer durables, and materials sectors. Mr. Kaynor joined Schroders as a Senior Equity Analyst for the U.S. Small and MidCap team in 2013 in which he covered the consumer sector. Kaynor was the Chief Investment Officer at Ballast Capital Management from 2010 to 2012, and prior to this, Mr. Kaynor was a Managing Director/Portfolio Manager for Ramius Capital Group.