瑞銀 (盧森堡) 策略基金 - 平衡型 (美元) I-A1-配息
子基金資產淨值的至少 70%將投資於投資策略(即集體投資計劃及/或直接投資),當中有關策略乃 (i)(a) 根據符合金融服務行業可持續性相關披露條例(通常稱為「SFDR」)第 8 條,提倡當中環境 (E) 及/或社會 (S) 因素(或視為符合同等條件者);或 (b) 以可持續投資為目標,並符合 SFDR 第 9 條的 規定或以減少碳排放作為目標(例如,符合 SFDR 第 9 條,投資於溫室氣體目標低於相關投資策略業 績基準且符合《巴黎協定》的公司,或視為符合同等條件者);以及 (ii) 符合下文所述投資組合經理的 可持續性重點策略。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Sebastian is a Portfolio Manager in the Investment Solutions team, located in Zurich. His management duties extend to the UBS Strategy Funds, one of Europe's largest asset allocation family of funds. Prior to UBS, Sebastian was working 8 years at Swiss Life Asset Managers in the Asset Allocation and Equity department. His last role was lead PM for Strategy Funds. Before he was working several years for different financial service companies in Zurich. Sebastian earned the professional designation of Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA), Certified International Wealth Manager (CIWM) and Swiss-Certified Financial Planner
Roland Kramer is a Portfolio Manager in the Investment Solutions team, based in Zurich. His management duties also extend to UBS Strategy Funds, one of Europe’s largest asset allocation family of funds, and to currency overlay mandates for very large pension funds. Roland joined UBS Global Asset Management in September 2013. Prior to this, he worked for UBS Investment Bank in Zurich as a fixed income trader, where he was responsible for the structured fixed income book. Before this, he started as trader assistant with the UBS Investment Bank on the fixed income trading desk in Zurich and Hong Kong. Roland earned the professional designation of Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA®) in 2014.