安本基金 - 前緣市場債券基金 A 月中配息 美元
基金的投資目標是通過將基金至少三分之二的資產,投資於在截至投資日期前(i)由在前沿市場國家註冊 的政府或政府相關實體所發行,及/或由在前沿市場國家設有註冊辦事處、主要營業地點或進行大部份 業務活動的公司(包括此類公司的控股公司)所發行;及/或(ii)以前沿市場國家的貨幣計值的債券及債 務相關證券,以實現長期總回報。 前沿市場國家包括 MSCI 前沿市場指數系列或富時前沿市場指數系列或摩根大通前沿市場指數系列的成 分,或被世界銀行歸類為低收入國家的任何國家。此外,多個國家呈現與該等指數中的國家相似的特點 而被基金經理認為適合本基金作出投資。 基金可將其資產淨值的最多 100%投資於次級投資評級債券及債務相關證券。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Mr. Daly is an Investment Director on the EMD team at Aberdeen Standard Investments. Kevin joined Aberdeen Asset Management in 2007 having spent the previous ten years at Standard & Poor’s in London and Singapore. During that time Kevin worked as a Credit Market Analyst covering global emerging debt and was Head of Origination for Global Sovereign Ratings. Kevin was a regular participant on the Global Sovereign Ratings Committee and was one of the initial members of the Emerging Market Council, formed in 2006 to advise senior management on business and market developments in emerging markets.
Anthony is an Investment Manager on the EMD team, where he covers a range of frontier markets including Belarus, Georgia, Egypt and Venezuela. Anthony joined the Aberdeen graduate scheme in 2008, completing placements in different areas of the business including the Pan European equities and Global equities team, before joining the EMD team in 2010. Anthony graduated with a BA (Honours) in Classics from the University of Bristol.