鋒裕匯理基金美元短期債券 U 美元
提供收益及維持閣下的投資價值。 基金主要(即其資產淨值至少 51%及最多 100%)投資於以美元計值的短期債券及以其他貨幣計值的可比較證 券1,前提是相關非美元持倉主要對沖回美元。基金毋須將其資產淨值的任何部分投資於任何一個國家或地區。 基金可以投資於所有類型的發行人所發行的債券及可比較證券 1。投資對象亦可包括按揭證券(MBS)及資產抵押 證券(ABS)。
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中型 | |||
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Mr. Pauwels, Vice President of Amundi Pioneer, joined Amundi Pioneer in 2006.
Noah Funderburk is a Vice President, Portfolio Manager, and member of the Securitized Assets team at Amundi Pioneer. Based in Boston, he is responsible for the portfolio management of securitized credit strategies. He specializes in non-agency residential mortgage-backed securities and emerging sectors such as agency credit risk transfer securities and single family rental securities.