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Ghokhulan Manickavasagar is a Fund Manager at Schroders, which involves providing portfolio construction solutions and managing the Diversified Trend strategy for the Multi-Asset business. He is a member of the Strategic Investment Group Multi-Asset (SIGMA) specialising in Commodity research. He joined Schroders in 2003 and is based in London. Ghokhulan was a Performance Analyst at Schroders from 2006 to 2007, which involved senior management reporting and maintenance of GIPS composites. Investment career commenced in 2003 upon joining Schroders within the Service Management Unit. Member of the CFA UK Qualifications: Investment Management Certificate (IMC UK); MSc in Information Technology from Queen Mary, University of London; BSc in Biochemistry from Queen Mary, University of London.
學歷: University of Surrey 數學和電腦科學學士。 經歷: 於 2008 年加入施羅德,現任施羅德結構性基金經理,負責收益率管理、透過結構性商品與選擇權的建構與執行增強收益。2003 2008 年擔任 Royal London 資產管理公司定量分析師,負責支援績效團隊,向股票和固定收益基金經理提供量化成效表現。建構和執行固定收益和股票的店頭衍生性商品;也是特許財務分析師協會(CFA Insitute)及英國特許財務分析師協會(CFA UK Society)成員 相關資格:特許財務分析師。