該基金主要(最少三分之二的凈資產)投資於位於或成立於或其主要業 務在發展中或新興市場國家的政府、與政府相關的發行機構及企業機構所發行的由股 票證券及固定及浮動利率債務證券,包括低評級及未獲評級的債務證券及償還債項所 組成的多元化投資組合。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Prior to joining Franklin Templeton in September 2018, Andrew was as a Portfolio Manager at Martin Currie, an Edinburgh based asset manager. He began his career at Murray Johnstone in 1994 and also worked with Deutsche Asset Management in both London and New York before joining Scottish Widows Investment Partnership in 2007. Mr Ness holds a B.A. (Hons) in Economics and an MSc in Business Economics from the University of Strathclyde in the UK. He is an Associate Member of the UK Society of Investment Professionals and a member of the CFA Institute.