瑞銀 (盧森堡) 歐元非投資等級債券基金 (歐元) (美元避險)
子基金可將其最多 50% 的總資產淨值投資於具損失吸收特點的工具,包括或有可轉換債務證券、非優先高級債務工具及優先或次級債務工具。當發生觸發事件時,該等工具可進行應急減值或應急轉換為普通股。 子基金可將其最多 20% 的資產淨值投資於資產抵押證券 (ABS)、抵押擔保證券 (MBS)、商業抵押擔保證券 (CMBS) 及債務抵押證券 (CDO)/貸款抵押債券 (CLO)。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Zachary Swabe is a Portfolio Manager within the Global High Yield Fixed Income team. He is responsible for actively managing the European High Yield portfolios which have won multiple “Lipper” fund awards. His primary focus is on portfolio construction, risk management, and trading. Zachary joined UBS Asset Management in May 2011. Prior to this he worked at Lucida Plc (owned by Cerberus Capital LLC) as an investment analyst focusing on European high yield and leveraged loan markets. His previous experience includes working at Aladdin Capital and ING Investment Bank. Zachary’s career in the industry began in 2004 as a graduate analyst at Bank of Scotland Corporate. Zachary holds the Investment Management Certificate (IMC).