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學歷: Durham University 商務金融學士;The London School of Economics 統計學碩士。 經歷 :於 2006 年加入施羅德,任基金經理,負責全球多元資產客戶的投資。她主管多元資產策略投資小組 (SIGMA) 的股票風險溢價研究團隊,也是全球資產配置委員會的成員。 相關資格:特許財務分析師。
Dorian Carrell, CFA, joined Schroders in 2003 and is based in London. In 2017, Dorian joined the Global Multi-Asset Income team, as a Fund Manager with particular responsibility for Emerging Multi-Asset Income. He is head of the Credit team of the Strategic Investment Group Multi-Asset(SIGMA). Prior to this, Dorian was an analyst on the global equity desk in London, before becoming a Convertibles' fund Manager and analyst, based in Singapore and Zurich. In 2000, prior to joining Schroders, Dorian was Head of Research and Statistics at the Investment Management Association. From 1998 to 2000, he was a Risk Consultant at Ernst and Young.