本基金以透過集中投資股票、股權相關證券、債券及貨幣之方式達到長期資本增長為目標。本基金至少 66% 資產投資於在亞太(不包括日本)設立、上市或其主要活動在亞太(不包括日本)之公司的證券。本基金得投資於亞洲企業以美元及亞洲貨幣為幣別發行之存託憑證(包括美國存託憑證及全球存託憑證)、可轉換債券、優先股、認股權證及固定收益證券。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Sundeep is a part of the Equity team and the Team Leader of the Regional Asia Value focus team. He is the Lead Portfolio Manager for the Regional Asia Equity strategies and co-Manager on the Asian Dynamic strategy.Prior to joining Eastspring Investments, Sundeep was an Equity Research Analyst for 5 years covering regional telecom stocks at Lehman Brothers. Sundeep has over 20 years of investment experience. Sundeep holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Management (MBA) (Director’s Merit list) from India Institute of Management, Bangalore and a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from Calcutta University. Sundeep is also a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.