瑞銀 (盧森堡) 亞洲靈活債券基金 (美元)
子基金將至少三分之二的資產淨額和最多 100% 的資產淨額投資於由註冊辦事處設於亞洲或絕大部分業務位於該地區的國際及超國家機構、公營以及半公營及官方機構及公司所發行的債務工具及債權。有關債務工具包括以美元計值的主權、半官方、企業及本地貨幣債券。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Raymond has lead Income Partners’ RMB fixed income investment team since 2010, and is a key member of the firm’s Investment Committee. He has over 12 years’ professional work experience in global fixed income markets, with extensive exposure and work experience with Chinese regulators and various Chinese institutions. He launched a first-to-market offshore pure investment grade RMB product followed by an offshore high yield RMB product at Income Partners for institutional investors, and proactively set up a “reverse enquiry model” in order to expand the offshore CNH primary bond issuance market.
沒有符合 ”“ 的搜尋結果。