本基金將持有多元化之投資組合,通常由全球發行人非投資等級之債務證券所組成,包括但不 限於固定及浮動利率債券、144A債券及可轉換債券。其投資主要包含非投資等級之債務證券及貨幣市場工 具,目於取得時之最低信用評等為標準普爾所定義之「B-」或其他公認評等機構之相當信用評等。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Frédéric Salmon joined Pictet Asset Management in 2006 and is Head of Fundamental Systematic Investing (Developed Markets Credit in the Fixed Income team). Frédéric is Co-Lead Investment Manager of the Global Sustainable Credit fund. Frédéric has been Head of Developed Markets Credit from September 2017 to July 2022. Before joining Pictet, he worked for AXA Investment Managers and IXIS Asset Management as Senior Credit Portfolio Manager and Head of Credit respectively. Previously, he worked for Sogéposte SA (currently known as La Banque Postale AM) as Fixed Income Portfolio Manager and Head of Credit. He started his career as a financial engineer before moving to an investment role in 1995 managing money market and government bonds funds. Frédéric holds a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Finance from the University of Paris II and a Master's in Business Administration from the University of Paris XIII. He also holds a diploma from the Société Française des Analystes Financiers (SFAF).