晉達環球策略基金 - 環球特許品牌基金 C 累積股份
該子基金旨在長線提供資本增長(即為您的投資價值帶來增長)及同時提供獲取收益的機會。 該子基金主要投資於全球公司的股票(例如公司股份)。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
潘德龍是天達資產管理環球優質股票收益基金的投資組合經理和優質股票團隊的分析師。 潘德龍在2009年加入天達的投資團隊,之前他在表現和風險團隊工作三年,擔任風險分析師。在這段期間,他協助發展倫敦和開普敦辦事處的風險模型。他以優異成績畢業於University of the North West, Potchefstroom Campus,取得定量風險管理:投資管理科學碩士學位。 潘德龍持有投資管理證書 (Investment Management Certificate),並是特許財務分析師。
Paul is a portfolio manager in Ninety One’s Quality investment team, based in London. He is co-portfolio manager of the American Franchise strategy and portfolio manager of the Global Franchise strategy. In addition, he is responsible for managing the research process for all of the Quality team’s global strategies, as well as global equity idea generation and research. Paul joined the Quality investment team in 2013. Prior to this, he was a Senior Manager in Ninety One’s Investment Operations team. Paul graduated from the University of Surrey in 2010 with a first-class Bachelor of Science (Hons) degree in Business Management. During his studies, Paul completed a 14-month industrial placement at UBS Global Asset Management, with responsibilities covering client reporting and data management. Paul is also a CFA® Charterholder and holds the Investment Administration Qualification (IAQ) and Investment Management Certificate (IMC).
羅克穎是天達資產管理優質股票團隊聯席主管,同時亦是投資組合經理,專注於多元資產絕對回報及低波幅實質回報股票投資。其投資組合經理職責包括管理公司的旗艦機遇策略(羅克穎自2003年起管理此策略),以及兩項以股票為中心的策略 ─ 環球機遇股票策略及環球特許品牌策略。羅克穎於1999年加入天達資產管理,任職資產配置及行業配置策略師。在加入天達資產管理前,羅克穎獲Sanlam頒發獎學金,並為該公司工作8年,當中包括5年的資產管理工作。他在該公司取得定息證券分析及投資組合理的經驗。羅克穎畢業於開普敦,獲頒統計及精算理學士學位。其後,於1995年取得精算技能證書,並於1997年獲倫敦精算協會頒發金融及投資證書。此外,羅克穎亦擁有特許財務分析師資格。