該基金的投資目標為資本增值。該基金主要地投資於 (i) 於印度註冊的公司、(ii) 於印度進行其大部分業務的公司及 (iii)持有其大部分的參股於以上 (i) 及 (ii) 項中提過的公司的控股公司之股票證券包括普通股、優先股及可換股證券,以及認股權證、參與票據及預託證券,以上所述公司都是整個市場資本值中屬小型至大型的公司。該基金亦可根據投資限制,將最高達其資產淨值的 5%投資於私人公司發行的證券,惟擬作投資須符合 2010 年 12 月 17 日法律第 41 條第(1) 或(2) a) 款所規定的可轉讓證券資格。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Sukumar Rajah is Senior Managing Director, Director of Portfolio Management for Franklin Templeton Emerging Markets Equity. Mr. Rajah joined Pioneer ITI in 1994, which was acquired by Franklin Templeton in 2002. Prior to joining Pioneer ITI, Mr. Rajah was assistant vice president of Indbank Merchant Banking Services, Ltd. Before this, he worked for Tata Steel from 1986 to 1988. Mr. Rajah earned his MBA specializing in finance and marketing from the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. He earned his Bachelors' Degree in Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.