先機環球動態債券基金的目標是以審慎投資管理方式,在保本之餘爭取最大的總回報。基金可將其資產至少三分之二,投資於由不同到期日之定息證券組成的分散型投資組合。先機環球動態債券基金可將其資產最多百分之20投資於在購買當時具有低於穆迪之Baa級或標準普爾之BBB級,但獲穆迪或標準普爾給予至少B級的定息證券。先機環球動態債券基金將其資產至少百分之 80 投資於在經合組織成員國內的受監管市場上市、買賣或交易之證券,而在任何單一非經合組織成員國的受監管市場之投資,將不得多於其資產淨值之百分之10。先機環球動態債券基金可將其資產淨值不多於 30%投資於具有吸收損失特點的工具,當中不多於先機環球動態債券基金資產淨值的 10% 可投資於或然可轉換債券。先機環球動態債券基金可將其資產淨值最多10%投資於在俄羅斯當地市場買賣的證券。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Ariel Bezalel joined Jupiter in 1998 and is currently Fund Manager for the Fixed Interest Team with responsibility for co-managing Jupiter Monthly Income Fund (Unit Trust – fixed interest component), Jupiter High Income Fund (Unit Trust – fixed interest component) and Jupiter Global Managed Fund (Unit Trust – fixed interest component). He has a BA (Hons) Economics from Middlesex University.
Mark joined Merian in June 2016 and is head of fixed income. He previously worked at Invesco Asset Management since 2001, most recently as head of global multi-sector portfolio management and head of European fixed income strategy.