富蘭克林坦伯頓全球投資系列-互利美國價值基金歐元A (acc)股
該基金主要投資目標是資本增值。次要目標為收益。基金將至少投資超過其淨資產的 70%於美國發行商所發行的證券。為增加額外資本或收益或為降低成本或風險,該基金可以符合其投資政策的方式從事證券借貸交易,最高可達其資產淨值的 50%。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Christian Correa, CFA is a portfolio manager and director of research for Franklin Mutual Series. Mr. Correa has been a lead or co-lead portfolio manager of the Franklin Mutual Beacon Fund since 2007 and co-lead portfolio manager of the Franklin Mutual Global Discovery Fund since 2018. Prior to joining Franklin Mutual Series in 2003, he worked at Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. He has more than a decade of investment experience. He holds a B.A. from Claremont McKenna College, an M.A. (economics) from Northwestern Univ. and is a graduate of Harvard Law School.
Grace Hoefig, Vice President and Portfolio Manager of Franklin Advisory Services. Ms. Hoefig joined Franklin Templeton in February 2008 as a research analyst. She has been in the investment industry for more than 20 years. Prior to joining Franklin Templeton, Ms. Hoefig was a managing director at AXIA Capital Management LLC., and has held senior analyst positions at Heine Securities Co., First Manhattan Co. and Neuberger & Berman.
‧ 黛比.泰納(Deborah Turner)女士為富蘭克林坦伯頓互利系列助理基金經理人,現任盧森堡註冊的富蘭克林坦伯頓高價差基金經理人。 ‧ 專精於消費性產業的研究分析,研究領域涵蓋北美及歐洲的零售、住宿、博彩、休閒娛樂、飯店餐飲、服飾、瓶裝公司及菸草產業等。 ‧ 擁有超過17年的投資管理經驗,在1993年加入富蘭克林坦伯頓互利系列團隊之前,曾任Fred Alger管理公司的助理分析師。 ‧ 於法薩爾大學(Vassar College)取得經濟學士,並且擁有特許財務分析師(CFA)執照。