DWS 投資歐洲精選 LC
德意志DWS Invest 歐洲股票(DWS Invest European Equities) 的投資政策,目標在於追求投資於歐元的資金達到最高增值。本子基金可購買股票、附息證券、可轉換債券、可轉換公司債券及權證連動式債券、參與憑證、股利權憑證、認股權證及指數憑證。本子基金的資產,75%以上投資於總部設於歐盟成員國、挪威及/或冰島的發行機構所發行的股票。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
MARK SCHUMANN, CFA, DIRECTOR. o Joined Deutsche Asset Management in 2003. o Portfolio Manager - European Equities: New York. o Master's Degree in Finance, University of St. Gallen (HSG), Switzerland.
Degree in European Economic Sciences from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (Madrid). CFA Director. Portfolio manager for European and spanish Equity. Joined the Company in 1999 after 4 years of experience
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