摩根士丹利亞洲房地產基金 A (美元)
亞洲房地產基金的投資目標是通過主要投資位於亞洲和 大洋洲從事房地產業或與房地產業密切相關的公司之股 本證券而實現以美元計算的長期資本增值。房地產業或 與房地產業密切相關的公司可能包括主要從事發展和/ 或擁有收租物業的公司;營運、建造、融資、銷售房地 產的公司;擁有大量房地產相關持有及/或與房地產業 相關服務或產品(包括(但不限於) 房地產管理、經紀、建 屋產品及房地產科技) 的公司;以及房地產集體投資計劃 (如公開掛牌的房地產單位信託、所有類型的合資格封 閉式房地產投資信託(REITS)和集體投資計劃)。 此基金也可以輔助性質投資於優先股、可轉換為普通股 的債務證券、透過互聯互通機制投資的中國A股、認股權 證以及其他股票掛鈎票據。本基金可將其淨資產最多20% 透過互聯互通機制投資於中國A股。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Laurel Durkay, Chartered Financial Analyst Managing Director Laurel Durkay joined Morgan Stanley in 2020 and has 21 years of investment experience. She is the Head of Global Listed Real Assets within Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM) and the lead portfolio manager for U.S. and Global listed real estate strategies. Prior to joining MSIM, Ms. Durkay was a Senior Vice President and Global Portfolio Manager for Listed Real Estate at Cohen & Steers Capital Management for 14 years.
Desmond Foong is a Portfolio Manager focusing on Asian real estate securities investing. He joined Morgan Stanley in 2011 and has been with financial industry since 2004. Prior to joining the firm, Desmond was an investment analyst at the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC), primarily focusing on the Asian real estate and financial sectors. He received his Bachelor of Arts in economics from the University of Cambridge, and a master's degree in international and development economics from Yale University. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Angeline joined Morgan Stanley in 1997 and has been with financial industry since 1992. She is a Portfolio Manager focusing on Asian Real Estate markets and securities. Prior to joining the Firm, she was a research manager at SG Securities and a senior research analyst at Schroder Securities. Previously, she was a research analyst at BZW Securities and an appraiser and a consultant at Debenham Tewson International. Angeline received a BSc with honors from the National University of Singapore in Estate Management and a MBA from the Nanyang Technological University in Accountancy.