瑞銀 (盧森堡) 歐元基金
本基金之主要投資目標,是保有所投資基金之價值,並且賺取符合貨幣市場利率之增值。 關於投資策略之目標是否能達成並未提供任何保證。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Leonardo Brenna is responsible for the strategy and management of EUR Money Market, EUR Short term, EUR Investment Grade Credit portfolios, mutual funds as well as segregated mandates at UBS Asset Management. Leonardo is a member of the Euro Corporate Strategy committee as well as the European Fixed Income Strategy committee. Additionally he is a member of the European Money Market committee which sets the strategies for all short duration mandates within EMEA. Leonardo joined the former Union Bank of Switzerland in 1992 to work in the fields of private banking, corporate finance and fixed income asset management. In 1996 he relocated to UBS Luxembourg to take up the position of Portfolio Manager (PM) for UBS money market funds and institutional clients. In 1998 he joined the Fixed Income team in Zurich as a PM. Throughout his career he has been managing money market and bond portfolios in a multitude of currencies and risk classes in the single currency area.