瀚亞投資-日本動力股票基金T3 (美元避險後收)
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Ivailo Dikov joined Eastspring Investments, the Asian asset management business of Prudential plc, as Portfolio Manager, in November 2013. Ivailo is a member of the Japan Equity team and is jointly responsible for the “Value” strategies. Prior to Joining Eastspring Investments, Ivailo worked for Theoria Capital Management (Singapore) as an Investment Analyst and previously for TPG Axon Capital (Tokyo) as well as Fidelity Investments (Tokyo). Ivailo has 13 years of investment experience in Japanese equities. Ivailo holds a Master of Business from the Tsukuba University in Japan and is a fluent Japanese speaker.