透過主要投資於歐洲新興市場國家(不包括俄羅斯及白俄羅斯以及亦不包括被加入海外資產控制辦公 室、聯合國、歐盟或英國財政部備存的認可制裁名單內的任何其他國家)(「新興歐洲國家(不包括受 制裁國家)」)之公司,以期提供長期資本增值。本基金之資產(不包括輔助流動資產)#至少67%將投資於在新興歐洲國家(不包括受制裁國家)註冊成 立或在新興歐洲國家(不包括受制裁國家)從事其大部分經濟活動之公司(包括小型公司)之股票。
大型 | |||
中型 | |||
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Pandora Omaset, executive director, is a product-focused analyst covering Africa within the Emerging Markets and Asia Pacific Equities Team based in London. An employee since 1999, Pandora previously worked as a portfolio analyst in the Japanese Portfolios Group. Before joining J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Pandora was a Performance Analyst at Henderson’s Global Investors. Pandora has a BA in International Business and Finance from SNHU and University of Greenwich.
Habib Saikaly, executive director, is a portfolio manager for EMEA equity portfolios, with a specialisation in MENA and Turkey, within the Emerging Markets and Asia Pacific (EMAP) Equities team based in London. An employee since 2011, he previously worked as a product-focused analyst covering Emerging Europe, MENA and Turkey within the EMAP Equities team. Prior to this, Habib worked at Credit-Suisse as an equity analyst managing the HOLT EEMEA team. He has also worked at Deloitte and PwC where he did Audit, Financial Risk Management and Due Diligence assignments across different industries. Habib holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Loyola Marymount University and a Specialised Master in Auditing and Consulting from ESCP Europe Business School.
學歷/專業資格:理學士 (經濟),特許財務分析師 歷任公司及職位:現在,駐莫斯科新興市場股票部高級投資經理及市場專家,專責新興歐洲及俄羅斯股票。 2005獲委任為新興歐洲、中東及非洲團隊主管。 1999獲委任為新興歐洲、中東及非洲基金之基金經理。 1998出任俄羅斯基金之基金經理。 1997加入環球新興市場股票部之新興歐洲、中東及非洲團隊,任職俄羅斯投資分析員。 1996獲委任為烏拉爾地區創業基金投資組合經理。 1994加入摩根資產管理,出任烏拉爾地區創業基金分析員。
沒有符合 ”“ 的搜尋結果。