該子基金旨在締造長期總回報(包括資本增值及收益)。 該子基金的環境目標是進行可持續投資,旨在為環境帶來正面影響。為此,該子基金根據其投資政策投資於投資經理認為透過可持續減碳為環境帶來正面改變的公司。 該子基金投資於大部份收益來自有關環境範疇的公司。 該子基金主要(至少三分之二)投資於世界各地的公司股份及相關證券(包括但不限於,預託證券及股票掛鈎票據)。
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Deirdre is Head of Sustainable Equity at Ninety One. Deirdre is a leading voice in understanding and committing to sustainable investing, particularly investment to address and combat climate change. Ninety One’s Global Environment Strategy, which she co-manages, invests in companies enabling the transition to a low-carbon economy to capture the structural growth driven by decarbonization. Prior to joining Ninety One in 2018, Deirdre was a Partner, Portfolio Manager and Head of Research at Ecofin. Before joining Ecofin, Deirdre was an investment banker at Morgan Stanley where she headed their European Renewable Energy coverage effort and built an investment banking and principal investing franchise. She has long had a passion for sustainable investing and has worked on a voluntary basis in the microfinance sector both in the US and in Pakistan. She is a member of the advisory board for Imperial College’s Centre for Climate Finance and Investment. She is a peer reviewer for the IEA’s World Energy Outlook. Deirdre earned her MBA from Harvard Business School, where she was a Baker Scholar, and her BA in Actuarial Science from University College Dublin.
Graeme是天達資產管理天然資源團隊旗下環球能源策略的聯席基金經理。他在2010年加入團隊出任能源及商品分析師,負責傳統及新式能源。在此期間,他協助推動團隊在能源轉型方面的工作,並於2016年就這個課題聯合撰寫報告:《能源的未來:建立可持續的全球能源系統》(Our energy future: creating a sustainable global energy system)。 這份報告為團隊的投資程序,以及根據可持續脫碳(Sustainable Decarbonisation)程序為主的投資理念提供基礎。 在加入本公司前,Graeme於Hargreaves Lansdown Asset Management任職投資分析師,專門負責另類及全球股票。 Graeme在英國布里斯托大學取得經濟理學士學位,並為特許財務分析師(CFA)、CFA英國協會會員及持有投資管理證書(IMC)。