法巴全球大趨勢基金 C (歐元)
中線而言,藉由主要投資於全球股票以提升資產價值。 子基金時刻把其最少 75%的資產投資於由基本面投資流程選取的公司所發行的股票及/或等同股票的有價證券。 子基金亦可把其餘資產(即最多 25% 的資產)投資於任何其他可轉讓有價證券(包含 P-票券)、貨幣市場工具、衍生性金融工具或現金,並可把不 多於 15%的資產投資於任何種類的債務證券,以及把不多於 10%的資產投資於 UCITS 或 UCI。
大型 | |||
中型 | |||
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Nadia is responsible for BNPP AM’s Global Equity team based in London and Paris. Nadia’s career spans 22 years and she joins from Capital Group, where she was a portfolio manager within the Capital Solutions Group responsible for global multi-asset solutions. She was previously Columbia Threadneedle’s EMEA-based Head of US Equities, prior to which she held various portfolio management roles at JP Morgan Asset Management. She began her career as an analyst at JP Morgan investment bank. Nadia holds a Master’s in Finance from Neoma Business School and is a Chartered Financial Analyst.