晉達環球策略基金 - 歐洲股票基金 I 累積股份 (美元避險)
該子基金旨在長線提供資本增長(即為您的投資價值帶來增長)及同時提供獲取收益的機會。 該子基金主要投資在歐洲上市及/或註冊的公司,或在歐洲以外的國家創立但其大部份業務於歐洲進行的公司之股票(例如股份)。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Adam是天達資產管理「四大動力」團隊的新興市場股票策略投資組合助理經理。在加入天達資產管理時,Adam擔任新興市場股票分析師,負責研究新興市場的各個行業和地區。其後,他成為新興市場股票策略的候補經理。 加入本公司前,Adam於香港法國巴黎投資管理的亞洲社會責任投資(SRI)股票團隊出任初級投資組合經理及分析師。在投入業界之初,Adam任職富通資產管理,並分別於倫敦、法蘭克褔及香港擔任分析師,負責歐洲、全球及亞洲股票。他在2007年畢業於英國劍橋大學,取得歷史系(榮譽)文學士學位,並擁有特許財務分析師資格。
Ben is a portfolio manager in Ninety One’s 4Factor team and is based in London. He co-manages the European Equity and International Equity strategies. Prior to joining the firm Ben was a senior portfolio manager responsible for Europe/Sustainable Equity at Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) where he developed and co-managed the plan’s European equity allocation. In 2018/19 Ben also took on the role of Head of Sustainable Investing overseeing and implementing transformative changes to the plan’s ESG approach. Most recently, Ben was portfolio manager for a dedicated sustainable equity strategy where he built up an impressive track record over the last three years. Before CPPIB, Ben was a portfolio manager at Och-Ziff Capital Management and with Odey Asset Management. Ben graduated from Bristol University with a Bachelor’s degree in Politics and French.