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Will is the Senior Fund Manager for City Natural Resources High Yield Trust. He is also adviser to New City High Yield Trust, Geiger Counter Limited, New City Energy Limited and Golden Prospect Precious Metals. Prior to joining CQS in 2008, Will was responsible for running Landsbanki Securities Proprietary Trading in global equities. Previously, he was Head of FTSE 250 Market Making for Panmure Gordon. Prior to that, he had 11 years experience trading UK equities at UBS, and 10 years at Morgan Grenfell Securities.
Distenfeld先生負責聯博所有固定收益基金在高收益債券的投資佈局,同時擔任加強型阿法策略(Enhanced Alfa)、全球高收益與全球公司債投資組合管理團隊成員。Distenfeld先生於 1998年加入聯博,加入聯博之前曾在雷曼兄弟擔任營運分析師,支援新興市場相關服務。他擁有耶緒華大學 (Yeshiva University) Sy Syms商學院的財務學理學士學 位。擁有美國特許金融分析師執照(CFA)。任職地點:紐約