本基金之投資目標為透過審慎的投資管理,追求最大化總投資報酬,包括利潤收益 和資本增值。為達成投資目標,本基金主要投資於符合伊斯蘭教律而發行的固定或浮動利率債券(包括非投資 等級有價證券),其中包括已開發和開發中國家的政府、政府相關及企業所發行的伊斯蘭租賃 (Sukuk al-Ijara )及代理型債券(Sukuk al-Wakala)。本基金也可能投資不超過 40%的淨資產於短期工 具,包括成本加利潤銷售型(Murabaha)的短期融資工具。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Mohieddine (Dino) Kronfol is a chief investment officer of Global Sukuk and MENA fixed income at Franklin Templeton Investments. He is one of the founding partners and board member of Franklin Templeton Investments (ME), formerly Algebra Capital, and has been with the firm since its inception in 2006. Mr. Kronfol is responsible for the investment process, research and performance of the Global Sukuk and MENA Fixed Income Team. He is also a member of Franklin Templeton's Fixed Income Policy Committee and Local Asset Management Team. Mr. Kronfol was previously the Head of SHUAA Capital's Debt Asset Management where he launched and managed the first funds to focus exclusively on MENA debt. Prior to that, Mr. Kronfol was the Head of Capital Markets at SHUAA where he managed investments in global FX, commodity, interest rate and equity markets. Earlier, Mr. Kronfol was a senior associate responsible for fixed income at MECG, one of the MENA region's first pan Arab investment banks. Mr. Kronfol holds a bachelor's degree in business administration and an M.B.A. from the American University of Beirut. The Sukuk Fund managed by Mr. Kronfol was awarded the first Failaka Islamic Fund Award for Best Sukuk Fund (1-Year) in 2010.
沒有符合 ”“ 的搜尋結果。