該基金的投資目標為資本增值。該基金透過投資於世界各地之股票及股票相關的可轉讓證券(包括與股票掛鈎的票據,例如參與票據)以達致其目標。該基金投資於發達和新興市場的上市股票證券,包括但不限於美國、瑞士、丹麥、加拿大、比利時、中國及阿根廷,通常為市值在 20 億美元左右或以上的公司。該基金亦可投資最高達其資產淨值的 10%於 UCITS 及其他集體投資企業的單位。該基金可合共投資最高達其資產淨值的 10%於中國 A 股(透過滬港通或深港通)及中國 B 股。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Donald G. Huber is a senior vice president and portfolio manager responsible for managing institutional and retail global large-cap equity portfolios. Prior to joining Franklin Templeton in 2002, Mr. Huber was with JPMorgan Chase and predecessor organizations, where he focused on portfolio management, strategic planning and relationship management in private and corporate banking. He entered the financial services industry in 1981. Mr. Huber holds a B.B.A. from the University of Michigan. He is a member of the CFA Society New York and a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charter holder.
Patrick McKeegan is a vice president and portfolio manager for Franklin Equity Group with generalist coverage. Mr. McKeegan holds a B.S. in commerce from the University of Virginia. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder.