駿利亨德森遠見基金-歐元領域基金 I2 歐元
基金旨在提供長期資本增長。基金將其至少75%的淨資產投資於在歐元區國家(即已採納歐元為其國家貨幣的歐洲貨幣聯盟成員國)註冊成立或在該等國家進行其主要業務活動的公司的股票或股本相關工具。 基金可投資於任何行業內任何規模的公司,包括小市值公司。 股本相關工具可包括預託證券。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Nick Sheridan is a Portfolio Manager of European equities at Janus Henderson Investors, a position he has held since 2009. Nick joined Henderson in 2009 as part of the acquisition of New Star, where he was a portfolio manager for two years. Before New Star, he was a director of European equities at Tilney for six years. He began his fund management career at BWD Rensburg in 1990 and entered the industry as a buy-side analyst at Ashton Tod McLaren in 1986. Nick graduated with a BA degree (Hons) in politics from Liverpool University. He received the Securities Institute Diploma from the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment and has 33 years of financial industry experience.