貝萊德永續能源基金 X10 美元
可持續能源基金以盡量提高總回報為目標。基金將其至少 70%的總資產投資於全球各地可持續能源公司的股本證券。基金是互聯互通基金,可透過互聯互通機制最多以其總資產的20%直接投資於中國。基金在或然可換股債券的投資以其總資產的5%為限。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Alastair Bishop, Managing Director, is a member of the Natural Resources team within Fundamental Equity division of BlackRock’s Active Equity Group. Mr. Bishop was a senior research analyst at Piper Jaffray, where he was responsible for covering the Clean Technology industry. Prior to joining Piper Jaffray in 2009, he covered the Renewable Energy and Industrial sectors for 8 years at Dresdner Kleinwort. Mr. Bishop began his career in 2001 at Dresdner Kleinwort Investment Bank. Mr. Bishop earned a BSc degree in economics from the University of Nottingham in 2001.