匯豐環球投資基金-亞太收益增長股票 IC
本附屬基金旨在投資於亞太(日本除外)股票組合,從而提供長期總回報,同時促進SFDR第8條界定的ESG特點。 本附屬基金旨在投資於提供高於摩根士丹利所有國家亞太(日本除外)指數(MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex Japan)的股息收益率的投資組合。 本附屬基金於正常市況下將其至少90%的淨資產投資於在亞太(日本除外)(包括已發展市場及新興市場)註冊、位於該處或在該處進行大部分商業活動的公司的股票及等同股票的證券。本附屬基金亦可投資於合資格封閉式房地產投資信託基金(「REITs」)。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Sanjiv Duggal is Investment Director for Halbis Capital Management and has been working in the industry since 1996. Prior to joining Halbis in 1996, Sanjiv worked for the Hill Samuel Group where he spent nearly five years, initially in internal audit and latterly as an Emerging Markets fund manager. Sanjiv is a fully qualified Chartered Accountant.