DWS 投資ESG新興市場股票 USD FC(停止銷售)
德意志 DWS Invest 金磚四國Plus投資政策之目標係為達到投資資本以歐元計值之最高可能幅度之增值。本子基金可購買股票、附息證券、可轉換債券、可轉換公司債券及權證連動式債券、參與憑證、股利權憑證及認股權證。子基金的資產應有70%以上投資於在新興市場註冊或主要商業活動為新興市場的企業之股票,特別是下列各國:巴西、俄羅斯、印度及、中國。
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價值型 | 均衡型 | 增長型 |
Marc Currat, Assistant Vice President and Portfolio Manager, joined Deutsche Asset Management in 2012 with 6 years of professional experience, thereof one year in the financial industry. Prior to joining, he served as an equities and quant analyst at Surperformance SAS. Prior to that he was an auditor advisor at Currat & Associes SA. He holds a BSc in Management from CIBU – California International Business University and MBA in Finance from International School of Management, Paris & St. John’s University and Investment Management Certificate (IMC).
Joined Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management in 2013 with 21 years of industry experience. Prior to his current role, he joined GAM as investment director in January 2004. Prior to joining GAM, he was head of global equity at SG Asset Management where he was also a member of the Asset Allocation Committee and head of the Emerging Markets Desk. Mr. Taylor was previously a fund manager at Capel-Cure Myers which he joined in 1994 from HSBC James Capel Investment Management.
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